More than 70 percent of people told a recent survey that since the pandemic’s beginning, cleaning is important for their family’s health. However, how often should you clean your bathroom?

You should split up a bathroom cleaning schedule for your toilet, sink, shower, and floor. Following a few bathroom cleaning tips will make your bathroom cleaner and safer for your family. 

How often should you clean your bathroom? Check out more in this bathroom cleaning guide.


Next to the kitchen sponge, the toilet in your bathroom is one of the nastiest places in your home. The toilet harbors all kinds of germs and bacteria.

Experts recommend when cleaning your bathroom to clean the toilet at least once each week. Scrub the toilet bowl, seat, and the floor near the toilet.

Much also depends on the size of your family. If specific bathrooms get a lot of use, you may want to increase the number of times you want to clean your bathroom toilet.

In addition, consider a top-to-bottom cleaning from a professional cleaning company.

Sinks and Counters

One of the most straightforward bathroom cleaning tips is to make your sinks and counters part of your daily routine. Daily bathroom cleaning of your sinks and counters helps reduce the amount of buildup from hairspray, soap, toothpaste, water, makeup, and powder. 

Sinks and countertops make an impression when people visit your home.   

Use a disinfecting cloth to wipe down these surfaces daily. It only takes a few seconds and makes all the difference!


Clean your shower every one to two weeks by scrubbing with chemicals and cleaning the caulk lines. 

As part of your bathroom cleaning guide, it’s also a good idea to wipe down your shower and tile daily to remove any excess water. Getting rid of water means avoiding mold and mildew, which can be challenging to clean as it worsens. 

Also, pay attention to your shower curtain and doors; they’ll need to dry out, too.


Sweep and mop floors at least once a week. Be sure to shake out rugs or any flooring material that might trap anything in the bathroom. 

Look for rugs that you can easily toss into the washing machine. Wash them as often as you see fit! You can also wash them when you wash your bath or hand towels. 

How Often Should You Clean Your Bathroom? A Quick Guide

How often should you clean your bathroom? You should develop a bathroom cleaning guide for your toilet, sinks (and counters), shower, and floors. Keeping up with bathroom cleaning will make sure your bathroom is always sparkling.

Hand cleaning your bathroom over to the professionals! Contact us today and let us help you get your bathroom in tip-top shape. We’ll attack your bathroom cleaning with the right chemicals and strategy to make it a safe and clean space in your home.